Instant WebKiosk

Instant WebKiosk

Бесплатное ПО
Категории: ОС и утилиты
Платформы: Linux
distribution internet-cafe kiosk-browser на основе браузера operating-system linux-operating-systems linux-based онлайн доступ основано на debian

Instant WebKiosk is a free and refined “live” (no installation required)
browser-only (only the browser interface will show up) operating system based
on Linux Debian and designed for use in web kiosks, multi-user “web
workstations” (cafès, offices, schools, hotels) and digital signage

It makes use of Google Chromium as Internet browser and it features audio
support, video files support, Adobe Flash support, PDF and images viewing,
office files and compressed files support; it features full “i18n”
(internationalization) including CJ input methods and a very useful on-screen
virtual keyboard for touch devices.

Instant WebKiosk protects your privacy even if it's fully customizable: users
can change its settings (or install “apps” from the Chrome Web Store) but,
thanks to its “live” nature and design, after a reset the operating system
presents itself with the default settings and users' private informations are
completely destroyed.

Instant WebKiosk boots form USB flash devices (in order to write the
downloaded IWK ISO file to a USB stick, Windows users can use Win32DiskImager,
while Linux users can make use of dd) and supports the same hardware that
default Debian Linux distributions do – no less… no more.

Supported file types in detail: Instant WebKiosk can read txt, html, xml, gif,
jpeg, png, psd, mpeg, mp3, mp4, avi, wmv, wma, asf, mov, 3gp, ogg, ogm, mkv,
rm, wav, dts, aac, flc, flv, midi, pdf, csv, doc, xls, ppt, rtf, odt, ods,
odp, and zip files. All known unsupported file types are filtered.

…and there's more: Instant WebKiosk for Raspberry Pi is an IWK-derived
operating system for the well known Raspberry Pi micro-computer!

Аналоги (9):

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  • CloudReady

    CloudReady - это операционная система, созданная и поддерживаемая Neverware.
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    Linux Browser extension
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  • Black Lab NetOS

    Black Lab NetOS является альтернативой Google Chrome OS и Chromium OS.
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    Linux Web
    онлайн доступ linux-operating-systems operating-system
  • OpenKiosk

    OpenKiosk - это кроссплатформенный киоск-браузер, основанный на Mozilla Firefox, который может быть легко ...
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